The goal behind Skadeedle was to create a company that people would think, "It's fun to do business with them!" One of the things we did to infuse this spirit into the company was to make a bunch of stickers in rapid fire. They were handed out at the front desk and brought to all trade shows and events for anyone and everyone to take. They were a big hit!
Create an aray of stickers to be used to help boost brand awareness and reflect the "fun" energy we were actively cultivating with Skadeedle.
I looked at current trends in stickers, considered our mascot and logo and came up with a number of comps that went in a variety of directions. Most of the comps I came up with were considered viable options, and it was decided we'd produce all of them over the course of a number of months.
The stickers were a big hit with employees and customers alike. When the company was bought out 2 years ago, it was decided that the name change to "Skadeedle" was not going to happen. But, I still see the stickers stuck to work stations, computers and cases around the office.